If you are having trouble receiving emails, such as Verification Emails, Password Reset Emails, or Payment Receipts, you might have an ISP Blocker preventing these emails from flowing into your email system.
Before contacting your IT department, consider the following:
- No Payment Receipt Email could be because you made a payment without a User Account. If this is the case, the Billing Contact on file has received the payment receipt email automatically.
- No User Account Verification Email could be because you do not need to verify your email address, if that email address received the Invoice Email from your firm
- No Password Reset Email could have been sent to your spam/other inboxes
- Certain automated email are delayed because they must first process through your email server's firewall. It could be a few minutes up to a few hours before these arrive in your inbox.
If you did not receive a password reset email we recommend the following:
- Have your IT team run a trace for email subject "Reset your password for Aiwyn" from sender: noreply@an-prd.firebaseapp.com
- Some email providers may quarantine these emails before sending to the recipient.
If you still have not received all other types of emails as expected we recommend the following:
- Ask your IT team or mail administration team to whitelist either your firm's sending domain or Postmark’s sending IP addresses in their mail filter settings.
- The IP addresses that messages are sent from: ( - 127) [Transactional] ( - 255) [Transactional]
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