If you are looking to make a payment that is not directly tied to an invoice, you can do this quickly in the payment portal by following these quick steps:
Note: If you do have an invoice but are not able to see it, here are some quick tips on how to add that invoice to your view.
- Once you choose whether to log into your payment portal user account or pay without an account you will be navigated directly to the Invoices tab.
- On the right side of the page you will see 'Make a payment'. Below here, select 'Pay without invoice'.
- In the “Account” drop down menu, select the appropriate account to pay an invoice for. If you do not see the account, Click Here to view the steps for adding a new account to your portal.
- In the “Payment Type” option, choose what type of payment you are making.
- Below here in the text field, include an invoice number or description of service.
- Enter the payment amount and payment method details.
- Your email address associated with your account will receive the receipt of payment. You can also click “Send receipt to additional addresses", to add an additional recipient.
- When ready, select the 'Pay' button in the bottom right corner.
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