Aiwyn is secured in a multitude of ways to ensure client information, financial information, and account details are inaccessible to outside entities. We do this through a variety of security measures utilizing financial institutions and secure platforms.
Saved Payment Methods
In order to Save a Payment Method, you must create and sign into a Client Portal User Account
Your payment method is stored through our integration with financial platforms Stripe and Plaid. As such, Aiwyn, your firm, or other Client Portal Users at your company, cannot see, use, or adjust your Saved Payment Method - access to your saved payment method is exclusive to your Client Portal User Account.
Signing into Bank for ACH Payments
For a more secure connection to your bank account, we recommend signing into your online banking account through our Plaid connection. This ensures the correct bank account is connected to for your ACH payments. These online banking details are hidden and inaccessible as they are maintained exclusively through Plaid.
Provide Bank Account and Routing Number for ACH Payments
If you prefer to simply input your Bank Account and Routing Number to make ACH Payments, this is also secure and this information is stored securely through our connection with Stripe. Again these banking details are hidden and inaccessible to outside entities including Aiwyn, Stripe, your firm, or other users.
Credit/Debit Cards
If you save your Credit/Debit card payment method, the card details are completely hidden and inaccessible to all outside entities as they are maintained through an encrypted connection with Stripe.
Payment Receipts
During the payment checkout process, enter your email in the corresponding required field to receive a payment receipt. Additional recipients may also be added, one at a time.
Note that every payment made through Aiwyn will automatically provide your firm with an emailed Payment Receipt as well, so you do not need to add your Firm's email(s) as receipt recipients.
Terms of Service
Click Here for Aiwyn's standard Terms of Service.
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